What tasks are set for the Industry Development Fund

by texasnews

The main tasks that the Industry Development Fund should solve

One of its main tasks will be issuing loans to enterprises at the stage when bank lending is still inaccessible to them.

 The priority area of ​​work of the Fund will be financing projects for the development of import substitution, as well as the technical re -equipment of the production of companies, the introduction of more modern and environmentally friendly technologies and equipment.

In the next three years, the fund will support production projects in the amount of 18.5 billion. rub. Most of all, the loans of the fund are needed by machine -building, aircraft and auto industry, as well as processing enterprises in the food industry. In December 2014, it is planned to issue the first tranche from the budget.

The Industry Development Fund will provide small loans necessary for the start in the field of medium -sized businesses.

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