Suppose that you decided to do your own business and from this moment only to work for yourself. First you need to correctly register your company, so that over time the inspection authorities do not have unnecessary issues.
In Russia, one of the most common and well -known organizational forms is a limited liability company or LLC. Each participant in the organization with such an organizational and legal form consists in a certain remoteness from each other. That is, if you are a full member of the LLC, then the risk is only in the loss of your share. In order for the registration of an LLC to be correctly applied for advice to a company that professionally dealt with registration of private firms. According to the Law of the Russian Federation, the founders of a limited liability company may be individuals or legal entities, but the main thing is that their number does not exceed fifty.
The authorized fund of the company.
However, there are also necessary rules that prevent a person to organize an LLC at first desire. The first obstacle is the size of the authorized fund of the limited liability company, which should not be less >100 minimum wages. The authorized capital can be paid in parts, but in this case it is necessary to make an initial contribution of at least 50%
Perhaps a good idea will be to take a business loan.
The correct name of the company.
Whatever type of activity your company is engaged in, it must necessarily be registered under any name. Having come up with a sonorous and interesting name for your LLC, think about its correctness. Be sure to find out if there are other limited liability companies with the same name. In general, come up with a few names and choose the most suitable from them. Remember that the name of the company cannot contain both Russian and English letters. It must be only in one language either Russian or English. In order to include the word “Russia” in the name of LLC, you need to go through several permits.
Legal address of the company.
For a young company, as for a person, a place of residence plays an important role. The purchase of a premises for the office is considered by new firms rarely due to the high cost, but you still need to issue a legal address. A fairly common way is the purchase of an executed legal address in firms that specialize in this. This is convenient, profitable and fast, but a dozen more similar companies can be registered at this address. You should register the company to your home address, but in this case, you cannot avoid tax requirements and fines.