In the event that you assume at a more or less serious level to play PokerStars, with the help of Reikbek, you can significantly increase the profitability of your game. What is Reikbek?
Let’s start the basics. So, Reak (Rake) is the established amount that Poker Rum takes from every played batch. This is a kind of players for the game. Each poker room lives at the expense of the rail. Thanks to him, the costs of supporting business are covered and profit is made. In various poker rooms, the size of the rail is different, but usually its size is not very large. Reika accrual schemes are also different. There are two methods of accruing a rack – counteribia and dilt.
The dilt-rack is distributed between all the players participating in the distribution. That is, you earn part of the rail even when you drop the cards on the preflope.
The indemnity-rack is calculated only from the amount that you were sent to the bank.
Reikbek (from the English word Rakeback) translated into Russian means “Return of the Reak”. Reikbek makes it possible to return the share of the rack you paid. The traditional size of the Reikbek is twenty to fifty percent of the size of the rack. However, there are poker rooms offering about fifty percent of Reikbek.
Beginners in poker do not pay much attention to Reikbek, while experienced players are trying to look for the most profitable proposal for Reikbek. Reikbek is able to bring you a significant share of income. It doesn’t matter if you lose or win, Reikbek will fall on your account anyway. In a word, you can be the so -called “minus” player, but be in the plus only at the expense of Reikbek. Reikbek is useful to all players – both experienced and beginner.
There are players that exist exclusively at the expense of Reikbek. They are trying to play as many hands as possible, replenishing their bankroll (the number of money for playing poker) not with the help of a successful game, but thanks to the resulting Reikbek.
How to bring income from Reikbek to Maximum? First, pay attention to which method of calculating the rail will provide greater benefit. It is generally accepted that the dilt-method is optimal for set players who play a limited number of hands.