It’s not so difficult to come up with the idea of small businesses. Sometimes for this it is enough to pay attention to the fact that it has long existed and add something of your original to the familiar thing. For example, rental of power tools is a simple idea. There is nothing surprising in it and maybe she met you before. Some will have the idea that such a business has no future. Well, to whom will it occur to take power tools. However, this is not so.
Sooner or later, each of us comes to the decision to start repairing a house or apartment. Some hire a repair team, others – put things in order on their own. In the second case, the point is just useful where you can take the necessary tools for a small fee for a small fee. After all, most of these devices are needed not every day, but only when we need to repair something or carry out major repairs with significant changes.
Yes, we almost always need power tools, but to buy them all so that they wait for their moment in the pantry and take a place there is not too practical. In addition, many of them need care, and as a result at the right time, the power tool will not be ready for work only for this reason.
Demand for services that can be implemented using this business idea always exists. In addition, she has a development prospect, since it is possible not only to provide power tools for rental, but also to repair them right there. Usually, if a particular tool breaks during operation, the work must be continued. This is where the help of a workshop is needed, which not only repairs, but also rents a tool for the duration of the repair. And the work continues, and the tool will be repaired. Thus, there is two business in one: repair and rental.
It is not difficult to imagine a circle of customers who will be in demand for this idea of small business. First of all, these are private traders who need power tools from case to time for a short time. Secondly, these are small construction teams that are just starting their work and cannot afford the purchase of expensive equipment, and they are able to recoup the rental of power tools. Thirdly, these are organizations in which work stopped due to a breakdown of their tool or additional ones are necessary to finish the work in time.
The organization of business will not require significant investments, since at first the development of the case you can use those tools that you or your friends already have.