The largest deposits

by texasnews

Favorable deposits in banks

Surely every person is looking for a way to increase his capital. Some risk and invest in shares, well, or real estate, while others open a deposit account in the bank. This option will be good under those conditions if there is no desire to lose some of its savings.

If, when taking a loan, they are looking for where the percentage is lower, then for savings of money the bank is chosen, of course, where the largest bets on deposits.

Accounting for interest capitalization

Of course, the interest rate is an important argument, but it is worth remembering other factors, such as the contribution to replenish, accrual and capitalization of interest, as well as the ability to partially remove. Now attractive interest on deposits are offered both commercial banks and some state institutions. But here, a pattern is observed – the more the minimum deposit amount, the higher the profitability of the investment. Consequently, the interest rate on the deposit will be maximum in the case when you make millions of thirty to the account.

It should be remembered that banks often like to change the conditions of storage of savings. Reduce or increase the interest rates of some deposits. While others remain unchanged at all.

The largest deposit rates

Typically, the largest deposits are offered by average banks, which further attract this money for lending to people even at a higher percentage. Here in a famous bank, a deposit can bring 7-8% per annum, and in a not very famous institution 12% or more.

According to analysts, high interest entails a “high” risk. And then questions often arise that a large percentage or reliable contribution will be better? Are high -high rates very risky? Which bank to choose? Each depositor must answer the questions of interest himself, and also does not interfere with the thought of all the disadvantages and pluses.

Which bank to choose?

Is it to be afraid of little -known banks who have a large percentage of deposits? If you take into account that deposits are up to 700,000 rubles. fear, there is nothing to be afraid of. You should only choose a bank that is accredited by the agency for deposit insurance.

Investments in deposits will not be taxed if the percentage does not exceed 13.25% per annum. At the present time, no bank of our country gives such interest, therefore, income on our contribution is not taxed.

Deposits, like loans, should choose, starting from the capabilities of your. Since for some it is an increase in money, and someone is a way to accumulate on a fee.

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