What is a fractal analysis, how to use it

by texasnews

Fractal analysis can facilitate the life of a trader

For many traders, the use of fractal analysis can greatly facilitate trade.

Although this analysis is still quite complicated, however, thanks to him, the trader has the opportunity to perform one of the most important tasks in the Forex market-drawing up the correct prediction of take-off and falling prices. As a result, thanks to the use of fractal analysis, pricing and price movement will not become something unpredictable.

According to Forex market experts in order to master fractal analysis, everyone will need to forget about the theory of market effectiveness. As you know, the essence of the theory of market efficiency is that the movement of prices during a certain day has no connection with the movement of the price of the previous day. As a result, any analysis of graphs does not make it possible to establish the correct forecast.

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