Registration of firms.

by texasnews

The Law Firm “Profit -Konsul” provides professional services for registering enterprises of various forms of ownership and also individuals – entrepreneurs. Our lawyers will quickly and competently carry out all the work on paperwork and support in state bodies.

Registration of an LLC is a rather difficult legal procedure, which requires a certain time, filling out many additional documents and bureaucratic red tape. To avoid queues under offices and long wandering at state instances, it is recommended to entrust the registration of LLC LLCs. They will quickly make out the necessary documentation, consult on the issues that have arisen and independently register in government agencies. At the same time, the participation of the customer comes down to only sign the charter and power of attorney.

Registration of firms depends on the choice of the legal form of ownership. One of the most popular and popular forms of ownership is a limited liability society.

Advantages of LLC.

According to the legislation of Ukraine, LLC can be established by one or more legal entities. The maximum number of participants of the LLC cannot exceed more than 100 legal entities or individuals. The authorized capital of the LLC is divided into shares between its founders. At the same time, its participants are not liable for obligations and suffer losses within the costs of their shares. Limited Liability Company is a full -fledged legal entity. It has at its disposal separate property and bank accounts in national or foreign currency.

LLC can, on its own behalf, exercise property and personal non -property rights. The minimum authorized capital of the LLC must be formed during the year of the registration of registration and compile at least one minimum wage.

For example, in the Russian Federation it is only 10 tons. rub. The authorized capital can be formed by money or property, which is evaluated by participants by agreement. The authorized fund of the LLC must be fully formed after the first year of economic activity, and the end of the second year at the disposal of the LLC must have assets worth no less than the authorized fund.

The procedure for registering an LLC with VAT after the adoption of the new Tax Code of Ukraine was significantly complicated. The registration of VAT requires additional financial and cash costs. A necessary condition for becoming a VAT payer is the presence of more than 300 thousand. UAH. working capital. If the company does not have such revolutions, then it is necessary that the LLC lasts more than 12 calendar months. Only after that it will be possible to register an LLC with VAT.

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