Registration of the company.

by texasnews

Registration of the company.

You are a novice entrepreneur and decided to register an LLC or (CJSC, OJSC), but do not want to waste time and nerves on running around the offices. After all, it is at the stage of registration of the organization that its organizational legal form is determined and the essence of its own business is formed. Based on this, it is difficult to underestimate the value of the company registration procedure.

Register to register a company using third -party companies for company registration is the right choice because:

– Save the time that is very little when starting a business

– Save your nerves

– Say yourself from additional costs

Such companies will prepare all the necessary package of documents as soon as possible, experienced specialists will help with the best choice of organizational and legal form for your business, will teach you how to reduce the risks of loss of property.

Registration of LLC

The most popular service is the registration of a limited liability company (LLC). According to the LLC license, the liability of the founders is determined by the share of the authorized capital. The advantage of the LLC is:

– selection of a simplified tax payment system;

– a relatively short term of registration of the company, no more than five days from the date of submission of an application for registration;

– In the event of a debt or in other critical situations, each business founder is responsible according to the size of his contribution, which excludes the possibility of fraud from other founders.

– If one of the founders wants to sell a business without agreeing with others, he does not succeed since it is necessary to undergo a complex process of registration and sale only with the coordination of other founders.

– There is no mandatory requirement of promotions.

Also the liquidation of LLC is a separate type of services of such organizations.

Registration of CJSC

Registration of CJSC – (closed joint -stock company) – only professionals can quickly and efficiently. Because for this it is necessary to develop and approve the constituent documents of the CJSC. Current legislation imposes restrictions on participation in CJSC outsiders, this is an advantage since it prevents unlawful access to the assets of the enterprise.

For registration of the CJSC, it is necessary to have constituent capital established by the state, today it is 10,000 rubles. The maximum number of participants should be taken into account – no more than 30 people.

After the development of the charter and the list of participants in CJSC, a meeting of shareholders is being performed, during which they approve the decision to create a CJSC. This decision is drawn up with a protocol and transferred to the state registration authority.


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