We put a fence for a summer residence

by texasnews

A summer cottage is the opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city, to sunbathe and (at times) to feel like a real peasant of the Middle Ages. However, regardless of your preferences, a fence for a summer residence is always needed. Of course, depending on what your environment you have, the material will differ, but it is still needed.

The fence for the cottage should have a suitable foundation

It is obvious that if one side of your site goes to a busy street or in general, where people are, then it makes sense to use corrugated board. This material has proven itself perfectly for a number of reasons. Steel covered with a polymer layer is very well protected from any weather events. And of course, perfectly performs barrier function in every sense at once. The same should be taken into account when laying the foundation for such a fence. Its sailing is quite high, which threatens with collapse, with an insufficiently strong support.

A completely different matter if the “spectators” are rarely near the fence. In this case, a welded metal fence or a mesh of a rabid is perfect. We add right away that corrugated board can cause a quarrel if you put it between summer cottages, due to the creation of the shadow. Here you can’t do without coordination with neighbors.

Sometimes a fence in the country is also a jewelry

If you are not going to use shading fence options, then we will choose based on the means that can be used. Transparent options are visually more pleasant, they make the net good because it is a barrier for people and various animals and at the same time weighs little. Low weight and sailing mean that there will be less installation costs. If you are going to not just fencing the site, but also decorate, then the best solution would be a welded fence. Of course, it is heavier than rabits and therefore will require investments at the stage of laying the foundation. But after the construction, such a fence for a summer residence will be not only a fence, but also a real decoration.

Summing up, let’s say that the choice of material for a country fence is individual and depends on your financial capabilities and the situation on the site.

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