Trust management of money and the ability to invest in money
The trust management agreement (DU) is concluded between an individual or legal entity looking for the opportunity to invest, and the management company (UK), which undertakes to work in the interests of the client in the stock markets, observing all the restrictions agreed in the document.
Decisions on transactions with assets belonging to the client are made by employees of the company. The client has the right only to track the results of the company, but is deprived of the opportunity to interfere in the management process itself.
Trust management services (DU) can provide all companies offering the possibility of investing and licensed by the FSFR (Federal Financial Market Service), which exercises strict control over them. It requires strict observance of many norms and rules regarding the procedure for conducting cases with customers who decided to transfer their securities or money to management.
Due to the need to observe many procedures established by law, the Criminal Code usually does not conclude short-term contracts, and also do not work with customers who do not have large amounts. So, most serious companies set the minimum amount under the contracts of the DU in 2 million. rubles and above, while the validity of the agreement usually exceeds 1 year. In some cases, the Treatment Contract may be terminated ahead of schedule, for example, if the client is not satisfied with the results of the company’s work. True, the termination of the contract can prematurely lead to high losses, since it is quite difficult to quickly sell it already not very liquid assets at affordable prices.
So whether it is worth transferring financial resources to trust management? Is this a good opportunity to invest in money?
The profitability of such investments depends on the two main factors that need to pay special attention before the conclusion of the contract:
investment declaration (Rules for managing the assets of the investor) recorded in the contract,
And the skill of the manager.
The client is offered to choose several options for strategies, each of which is characterized by its level of risk, and, accordingly, profitability. You can choose a conservative strategy that is unlikely to be able to bring serious income, but also tolerate significant losses in this case is also unlikely.
Aggressive strategy, on the contrary, in case of success promises good benefits, but the risk of losing a significant part of the invested money also increases.
The more the investment declaration is drawn up and the work plan is carefully selected, the more accurately the investor will be able to predict the result that he will receive at the time of the expiration of the contract.