Economic growth is understood to mean the creation and increase in the number of goods, such as the makita drill, fans, and services that the national economy produces. Economic growth is measured in two ways. Firstly, the growth rate of the actual and real GDP for a certain period of time-mostly for the year, and secondly, the growth rate of the main and real GDP per capita for the same period.
Economic growth is an important economic goal of each country. Increasing the volume of products per soul of a certain population means increasing the standard of living in the country. An economy that increases, capable of more fully satisfying people’s needs and more efficiently solve socio-economic problems. Increasing earnings in the course of economic growth creates the opportunity to receive additional material benefits and services to families and individuals without refusing to consume other life benefits. Economic growth enables the country to deal with poverty and environmental poverty without reducing the existing level of consumption and reducing investments. It creates opportunities for reducing working hours and increasing rest time and leisure time. Economic growth facilitates the solution of the problem of limited resources. In the end, it enables nations to maintain state independence.
Natural resources are lands, minerals, energy carriers, water resources, climate, etc. p.. There are only a few countries on the planet that own such rich natural resources, the sale of which gives them the opportunity to quickly move through economic growth, in particular Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and some others. Most countries of the world are not rich in natural resources. Nevertheless, even very poor countries on them – Switzerland, Japan or Israel – demonstrate high rates of economic growth and ensure a high standard of living of their citizens. The valuable natural resource of Ukraine is considered arable land.
Economic development is the process of the functioning and evolution of the economic system in the long term, which is characterized by a change in the market situation and enterprises that implement the perforator Makita.
In the process of economic development, the system moves from one stage to another. The main driving forces of economic development are the material and spiritual values of a person that are formed and develop under the influence of needs, as well as disagreements of the economic system (for example, productive forces, technical and economic relations, property relations and economic mechanism). The main element of the development of the economy is the development of man, his cultural, spiritual intellectual and material values.