Accounting is one of the most important and most difficult phenomenon in economic life. Accounting is found to us both in everyday vocabulary and in complex scientific matters, it pierces the entire market system of the economy, every enterprise, every institution, every person who is involved in this process. We are faced with financial statements, when we get a salary, pay for purchases, pay for tickets and, in general, when we participate in something related to the turnover of the cash flow in the world. From a universal point of view, this process is quite simple and does not represent anything complicated, except for memorizing a number of rules and standards, according to which the numbers are filled in papers. But what will happen if you look at accounting from the point of view of a professional frame? Currently, one of the foundations of accounting is such a process as reporting. That is why this article will be devoted to this phenomenon.
What features have reporting as a form of observation of the economic activity of the organization? These characteristics are generally recognized by three. What are they? Firstly, it should be said that the reporting is an official document having a certain legal force, due to the fact that all these documents should be visa of the head and chief accountant of the organization, and this signature means willingness to be responsible for the truth of the data, stated in reporting documentation. Also, the official and state recognition of the document means the possibility of using it by public services to obtain information about the enterprise, calculating taxes and applying other similar procedures. The second component characteristic and the sign is the obligation to issue reports: according to this thesis, each enterprise that is authorized by the law is obliged to provide reports compiled in the control authorities for some indicators, which are claimed for a particular type of business company, and to submit documentation in The required deadlines, which are also recorded in the legislative process. In case of non -compliance with the last requirement, special penalties may be imposed, or the organization may even close, or arrest and trial with the management of the enterprise. The third characteristic is a requirement for documentary confirmation of the data proposed in the statement of reporting, that is, all the information, all those data that will be obtained in the final reporting, they must comply with the data and those documents that came in reality at the time registration of accounting documentation, otherwise reporting data can be considered falsified.
It all looks quite complicated? The author, in general, agrees with this statement. And qualified specialists in the preparation of reporting cannot be dispensed with. And the verification of reporting is also a matter that is associated with an important choice. There are many organizations providing audit services on the market, and the problem of many options is very acute – which of them can most effectively and accessible to verify the reporting of the organization? But this is the topic of completely different articles.