Long -term planning strategy

by texasnews

At first glance, long -term planning seems to be a task in which there is no specific goal. However, determining the goal in long -term planning allows not only to you, but also to the employees of your company to understand in which direction and how far your company is going to advance. Think about what is the main motivation for the development of your company. This will allow you to formulate specific goals.

Far targets

The goals must reflect the tasks facing your organization. Try to determine them based on the mission of your company. This is more organic and not perceived, as attracted by the ears. Long-term planning usually has a horizon of three to five years. However, such a horizon can be reduced in social areas, in the service and under the influence of growth needs or an increase in profit. After you have defined goals in long -term planning, you will have to develop plans for a shorter period so as not to deviate from the intended.

Realistic tasks

In order to solve the tasks and achieve the intended, it is necessary to appoint responsible. Moreover, these goals should be concrete and achievable, because too remote and elevated goals are often perceived as unrealistic, and therefore can be ignored. Planning should rely on the mission of the organization. If you involve the tasks of employees of the company, they will feel their involvement in the process of setting the tasks of the company’s employees and will not sabotage work.


The tasks facing the company should be brought to all employees. Try to make sure that employees do not forget about these tasks. This can be done using beautifully designed posters, calendars and souvenir products, which visually depict the goals that your organization strives for. It is desirable that visual images be developed by professional designers. In this case, images constantly present at the workplace will not cause rejection.

In excess of long -term planning

In business, there is in excess of long -term planning, the horizon of which extends much further than 10 years. Usually in this case specific tasks are pursued. So, for example, Sonya in the last century set itself the task of changing the company’s public perception in the long run, because at that time the goods produced in Japan were perceived as low quality goods.


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