How to interest in network marketing.

by texasnews

For many people, network marketing is something indecent. As a rule, many people think that network marketing is a financial pyramid, although almost no one really doesn’t know what is a financial pyramid and what is its difference from network marketing.

The difference between network marketing and financial pyramid.

In network marketing there is a product, that is, products, but there is no financial pyramid. Of course, these products should be easier than household appliances in the store Kyiv refrigerators, the products should best be very light, a good option is information as a product in the network business. In the financial pyramid, money receives money for attracted people, and in network marketing for the level of trade.

How to interest in network marketing.

In order to interest a person with network marketing, he needs to tell him a marketing plan. For example, you told a person that he still buys products in stores, and does it monthly. Buying such products, he spends the same money, but only in stores they will not give him gifts, and of course, no one will offer him a discount. In the company of network marketing, he will have a discount and he will be able to receive gifts. Then, in a soft form, a person should be recommended to his friends to save, purchasing products in the company, as needed. It should be best recommended by personal example, words are words. It should also be noted that the company does not have mandatory purchases of products. That is, all that we offer a person is to change the place of purchase of products. In no case do not offer a person to engage in network marketing, because at once this kind of information, as a rule, scares away all and a person will never come to you again.

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