How to deal with internal quarrels in business.

by texasnews

As a rule, employees with whom it is most difficult to deal with are those who regularly complain about their employees, and those who always criticize and accuse others. These people cause indignation, and as a result of this, internal quarrels often arise, which always prevent a private entrepreneur from developing a business. When the manager deals with such problems, he must focus on the creation and strengthening of a positive atmosphere at the workplace. As soon as you have realized the problem of relations between employees:

How to deal with internal quarrels in business.

– Negotiate with each side individually, after listening to everything that they will say, without judgment or comments.

– If the main problem is to infringe on a sense of self -esteem or belittle the status, convince each of them of their value for the company.

– If you need to express criticism to solve an urgent problem, never direct criticism to personality.

– Give positive advice and guiding principles for correction to avoid further skirmishes, let the employees know that they can come to you if

In the future, some more problems will arise.

– Explain that you need your staff so that it works as a single team, and, therefore, the prerequisite for continuing work is the skill

get along with employees.

Conduct the discovery of the meeting to clarify problems and express tips on establishing relations. First, clearly formulate the expected results and the appointment of a meeting to avoid confrontation.

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