Social networks as a way to earn on the Internet.
Consider such an interesting way of earning on the Internet as earnings on social networks. For this type of earnings, it is not necessary to have your own site, just register in any popular social service and, first, create your own page there. The most powerful social network in Runet is the VKontakte service.
So, register VKontakte, create your own page and organize a group of interests. VKontakte everyone can create such a group and call users (friends, acquaintances, etc.) join the group. The number of such invitations is limited: you have the opportunity to send from your account VKontakte no more than forty proposals. But in order to start a serious way to make money on the Internet through its group on a social network, this notorious group “promote”, t. e. – Raise her rating, attracting as many like -minded people as possible there.
For example: the VKontakte group “Art and entertainment” has more than two million (!) participants, the Positive group – more than one and a half million, the film Prime Ministers group is more than a million and so on. The sizes of earnings of the founders of these groups are very, very impressive. So, spin your group and begin to earn money. How? With advertising, for example. Many companies look for a promising place to place their advertising and may well offer to place their banner (or other type of advertising) in your group, for money, of course. The cost of placing advertising in a promoted group can reach up to 10 thousand rubles per month, and this is not the limit. An additional way to earn on the Internet inside the group is various promotions, auctions and sales.
It should be noted that every social service has its own internal “currency”, VKontakte is “voice”. “Voices” can be obtained for free:
* If the participants vote for you.
* Earn with the help of views of other people’s sites (similar to payment for clicks in sales).
* Win in games or lotteries (if you are a supporter of such adventures).
* Earn in auctions and t. D.
If necessary, “Voices” can simply be bought, buy. Newcomers are always worried about the question: why, in fact, these “votes” are needed? But the fact is that “votes” can be spent on games, raising your own rating in the system, on gifts, in addition, for this, you can purchase any product in the online ozone store, just as you would purchase it for money.
VKontakte’s vote sale – as a way to earn on the Internet.
How can you realize your own way to make money on the Internet with the help of “votes”? And very simple – to sell
their. VKontakte will always be users who are ready to redeem your “voices” for real money. For the convenience of such a purchase / sales, there are special services, the most famous of which is perhaps – Togor. ru.
Work VKontakte.
How else can you earn VKontakte? As a matter of fact, this social network is a fully paid employer and, if you have certain skills, you may well get there to work. On the main page of the service, in the heading: “vacancies” there is always a list of demanded specialties. You can study the requirements for candidates and send your resume for consideration.
Creating an application of VKontakte – as a way to make money on the Internet.
In addition, VKontakte can make good money on applications. The meaning of this method of earning on the Internet is as follows: you create a certain application (game, test, casino, auction, etc.) and place VKontakte. For example, you can create a test, such as: “Who were you in a past life”, “Determine your IQ”, “Lottery: all win”, etc. D. If your brainchild successfully passes the moderation, you can proceed to its further promotion and operation. Only here is the problem: in order to create a really high-quality application, you need to have professional skills of relevant web technologies: flash, PHP, Java, etc. D., However, in this case it is quite possible to use the help of specialists; The cost of professional development of one application costs from 5,000 rubles and above.
There are many other ways of earning on the Internet using social networks, as well as their variations. I have listed the most significant of them here.
And that’s all? Not all. Unfortunately, both in the virtual network and social services there are such semi -legal, or frankly fraudulent earnings as: spam, gaming games, all kinds of “pyramids”, proposal of non -existent services and other methods of “honest leaving money from the population”. Do not take such offers seriously, do not succumb to the tricks of scammers, serious social networks have always fought, and will fight this kind of provocations. Choose honest ways to make money on the Internet, and they will subsequently bring you big dividends than participation in dubious prostects of virtual swindlers.
Good luck!
Author: Elena Ozerova.
Site: www. Neonax. ru