How to increase self -esteem

by texasnews

Many problems in life, both in the professional and personal sphere, are associated with a low self -esteem. If you strive to prove to everyone who and what you, then you have a pronounced inferiority complex.

It is noticeable from the side, how you do not value yourself, do not reckon with your opinion and even try not to have it, indulging in everything around. This behavior prevents people from self -realization and become successful.

Unfortunately, the problem of low self -esteem lurks in our distant childhood. If, for example, in childhood, you are constantly “poked” for your overweight, you will constantly think about it. The cause of low self -esteem may be a breakdown of relations with a loved one or loss of work. Some weak personalities after such “lessons of fate” begin to smoke, drink or even take drugs.

Low self -esteem makes the meaning of life, a person does not perceive any values, nothing interests him, and this condition leads to suicide in too neglected cases. Therefore, it is so important to notice problems with self -esteem in time and prevent others from lowering it.

A hobby may be, and the return on it can help, you can first unwind, visit beautiful places. Or engage in art, design, create your own company, engage in the reorganization of legal entities, or architectural and design activities. Everything that inspires and gives strength can raise self -esteem.

When criticizing you as a person, not your misconduct, pull a critic. Let this concern even your boss, believe me, it is better to find a new job if your boss constantly insults you. In the next reproach to you, that one error cannot talk about your general inability to work professionally. This should sound at a normal level, not rude, otherwise the boss will definitely fire you.

Each of us has a desire, you should not think only about him, reproaching ourselves that you cannot realize it. Let your desire be only in the subconscious, as a course of a diet for a fashion model.

Having decided on some business, take up him, do not put off for later. Time gives us doubts, and this does not affect the beginning of actions (this does not apply to major transactions). Do not think about your weaknesses, even the greatest and strongest people of the world have weaknesses. Getting good self -esteem – for a long time, take care of its increase now.

By the way, this is an interesting feature of self -esteem: opposites – are similar to inadequacy. People with high or with low self -esteem are similar. The nature of such people can be very different. When a person is very tired of being anyone, he begins to “lift his nose”. And vice versa. This can be represented as a swinging pendulum, which brings in arrogance – positive inadequacy of the individual, in self -notification – negative inadequacy of the individual.

The most important thing is to restore the balance, the middle of the middle in understanding itself, its capabilities and potential.

You can download the book – how to get what I want. Author Lassen Maurin Kirby

This book changes thinking right away, makes it somehow flexible and communication with people improves

To increase self -esteem, there are some tips that I am glad to share:

– > Make yourself a notebook of success to increase self -esteem. Try to record all the achievements in the day, even if they are small.

– > Make a plan to increase self -esteem. And do everything that you planned. With each time completed, you pump your level of self -esteem. Moving to an ever higher level of self -esteem.

Treat problems as training. For example, to pump up muscles, you need to take a load ..

Treat problems as opportunities, because the problems are opportunities.

What do you think are the possibilities?

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