What is the benefit of investing in housing under construction

by texasnews

Experts believe that mortgage rates will fall in the near future, and the production volumes of plastic cards, on the contrary, will increase. And therefore now the right time to invest in real estate. This is the opinion of Andrei Vladykin, who heads the department of mortgages and loans of the company NDV-deliberate. Investments are long -term capital investments in the economy to make a profit. You can judge the benefits of certain investments only by comparing them with other options for increasing and preserving money. Usually, to assess the profitability of investments, they are compared with a regular bank deposit. Currently, the money can be placed at 9-11 percent per annum with a high level of reliability. Everyone makes a decision on the preference of the investment method on their own.

If we talk about investing in housing under construction, then its cost increases in proportion to the degree of its readiness. Suppose a person acquired a one -room apartment in the Moscow Region at the foundation stage for 8 million rubles in December last year. In August of this year, this object under a concession agreement is realized for 45 million rubles. As a result, for 8 months he receives 650,000 rubles or 82 percent per annum. This is an example of reliable and stable investment in the housing under construction. A lot of private investors purchases apartments in new buildings with a low degree of readiness, and then sell them before renting a house of the State Commission. Using such an investment strategy, a person receives maximum income in rubles. But due to the long term of investment, annual interest income is reduced.

According to the legislation of Russia, any income of citizens is taxed. If a citizen pays tax as a civilian, then he must pay 13 percent of the income received. If a person registers as an individual entrepreneur will switch to a simplified taxation system, then he will pay 6 percent of the turnover or 15 percent of the difference between expenses and income.

According to experts, it is worth expecting a decrease in mortgage rates in the near future. This is due to an increase in the total amount of long money and with an increase in Russian rating. As a result, you can hope to reduce the cost of loans for banks with external borrowing. In addition, banks gradually accumulate experience in the field of mortgage lending and a number of factors.

Thanks to a decrease in the mortgage rate, the availability of housing for citizens will increase. And this, as you know, has a direct effect on the cost per square meter of real estate. As a result, it can be stated that real estate investing still remains a profitable financial instrument for a private investor.

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