What is official Forex

by texasnews

Now on the Internet you can very often find advertising companies representing the possibility of trading in the Forex market. What is the official Forex, how it all began, and why the currency courses change in relation to each other and other material values ​​of our old world?

Official Forex is a market for free exchange exchange at unregulated prices that occurs between banks in the world. Most often, the phrase of the Forex market is used, however, Forex, as a place used for the free exchange of various world currencies and not engaged in other foreign currency operations.

In the Russian community, the official Forex implies not just the implementation of exchange currency operations, namely, speculative activity in the market in order to make high profits. This activity can be conducted using specialized dinging centers or banking structures. Most often, margin work is used, that is, with the help of a loan shoulder. The types of currency activities on Forex into the regulatory are approximately divided – various currency infusion of central banks of different countries, speculative and hedging.

It is believed that the Forex market was born as a result of the Jamaician conference of representatives of the twenty developed capitalist countries in 1973, where a liberal policy was approved regarding currency prices and metals. Actually changing gold course and caused those fluctuations in currency courses that can be observed now.

It is believed that the market for daily currency exchange fluctuates on Forex in volumes from 3 to 7 trillion US dollars. The exact information is certainly not. Note that such large volumes are provided in many respects by the marginal type of trade, which implies the possibility of concluding contracts on the official Forex for the amount much more than the trader is available.

The activities of modern offices that provide for ordinary people the possibility of playing in the foreign exchange market is interesting. Without a doubt, with a fairly large amount of amounts, they can provide access to the real market, but the conversion of this money into real forex is quite expensive, therefore, when the company gains a huge number of customers who create applications of different directions, the situation arises of the so -called internal brokerage company that makes it possible not to display resources to the real market. Therefore, often such companies offer very low commissions that are less than those that would be required for the official Forex. Nevertheless, the client will not even pay a large commission, even if the entry into the market of currencies is not carried out.

Note that a completely official foreign exchange market (very not large and with a high percentage of transactions) exists in the WebMoney Internet calculation system.

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