What is ID

by texasnews

Most Internet users have no idea what ID is, although they heard about it repeatedly. Let’s figure out what the identification number is, and why is it needed.

Often on the network we find interesting sites. To read information or download content, we are asked to register. This is quite simple – a convenient login and password for entering. However, this is only the visible part of the identification, in fact, another system is more convenient for the server of this site.

Each user has his own number on his computer, which is called ID. This number is visible to the creators of all sites on which you are registered. A similar system is not conceived at all for the prosecutor’s office or the FSB – just a PC is easier.

Imagine that a specific person has one number under which all the information is stored in his database – video materials, photographs, contacts, questionnaires. It becomes easier for a server to turn to the number in the table than to look for a name every time. When implementing another system, the server speed will decrease or broken links will often appear on the site, error 404 as we know and it will be inconvenient for everyone.

Your own personal number during registration can be shown clearly (as, for example, “VKontakte”) or hidden for general review, but it is still available.

ID is widely used on partnerships. There, the user is specifically shown his number so that he knows what link to send his referrals. You just post your link with the ID number, thereby advertising the site, and visitors, getting on it, become your personal customers.

If one computer has several accounts, then there will be several identification numbers. This is because the PC shares personal data and limits their access.

The same situation takes place in programming. Each object in the created program has its own number.

So, such numbers should not be afraid, because all of them are created for our convenience.

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