Types of booklets, their functions and advantages

by texasnews

A booklet is called a fed (that is, folded) paper sheet in a number of times, which carries an advertising information. At the same time, it is very similar to the brochure, but it differs from it with a more thoughtful design and a higher degree of information.

Advertising booklet is one of the most popular printing products printed by the printing of the Fly Print. They are used in advertising shares, banks, stores and other.

Functions and types

The main goal of the booklet is to inform the potential client about the company, to notify about promotions or conditions of cooperation.

The main functions of the advertising booklet are:

narrative about products and services;

the formation of a general impression of the company;

visualize advertising images using graphic elements.

Classification by the number of U -turning:

with one fold is made from sheets of format from A6 to A3;

with two folds – a format from A5 to A3;

with three folds – a format from A3 to A1;

With four folds – format from A4 to A

By type of connection there are:

fastened with paper clips – in such booklets the number of sheets should be a multiple of 4;

glued with glue – the number of sheets is multiple

The advantages of booklets are highly informative for a low price. They have a more compact structure than a simple brochure, but carry more information. They are cheaper than catalogs, but have a fairly high degree of informativeness.

Filiness and appearance

The booklet should arouse interest in himself, attracting the attention of a potential client, causing a desire, to read the information that is inside. Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to the covered, making it attractive.

Advertising booklets consist of:

block with information about goods and services;

visual series;

Block with contact information – address, phone numbers, email address of the company, website and travel scheme.

The booklet should be designed in a concept with a common branded style and bring a certain message to the consumer.

Filling should be at the level of external design. It is important to develop a good text of an advertising nature, so it is better to seek this to a specialist.

Depending on your wishes of printing, cutting, embossing, grunts, congregations, covering with offset varnish, lamination in the production of booklets are used. These techniques will help to create unique advertising products for your company, and fast printing of booklets will help to fulfill any order, any volume and for the minimum time.

Thus, advertising booklets are one of the inexpensive and effective ways to advertise your business. This is a profitable investment in the development of your company, which will certainly bring return.

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