Registration of firms requires the organizer of the implementation of a number of consistent actions. It is necessary to go from planning to receiving title documents. The inclusion of a new enterprise in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) expands the horizons: the company becomes a carrier of duties, can act as a defendant and plaintiff in trials, makes a transaction on its own behalf, receives property and personal non -property rights, etc.
Our Law Bureau Nord West Company offers entrepreneurs a full set of legal services for registering an enterprise. The state registration procedure of the company should be understood as several interconnected steps that our bureau will take together with the businessman. After successful registration of the organization, perhaps the continuation of cooperation – we will offer the client legal services for organizations.
Registration of a new enterprise is the following steps:
Preparation of the financial scheme of the enterprise. On this issue, our lawyers will give legal advice, which will undoubtedly help to carefully think over the entire financial system of the future company. In this case, special attention will be paid to methods of removing income and tax planning. It is advisable to pre -businessman to represent the approximate amount of taxes and the work of his enterprise. This approach to resolving the issue will help choose a convenient tax system and the form of the organization of the enterprise.
Selection of the legal form of the enterprise. Most often, you can meet closed joint -stock companies (CJSC), limited liability company (LLC), individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity (individual entrepreneur). The choice of legal form largely determines the prospects for the growth and development of the enterprise, gives the founders wide opportunities, including on the legal protection of business.
Preparation and development of constituent documents projects. At this stage, special attention is paid to documentation, which will regulate the activities of the enterprise, management relations and staffing employees, property regime. The specialists of our bureau will help the entrepreneur develop constituent documents that will be convenient for a businessman and will not violate the rights of others. New company – new solutions, ideas, goals, enshrined in documented. In no case should you use “template options”. In the preparation of documents, our experts will take into account all the subtleties: the occupation of the enterprise, the process of decision -making, the number of state, etc.
Registration is directly. So, all these events have been successfully implemented and thought out – you can start collecting documents for submitting to the registration authority. We will perform all registration work as soon as possible, including registration with the tax authority.
We will save your time and help start the business legally correctly.