Storing money at home is a completely meaningless venture

by texasnews

Economies in the leading countries of the world are practically “collapsed”, and their markets barely exist. Even the assurances of experts are that the most negative consequences of the economic crisis are already overcome, nevertheless, it is hard to believe in it.

It is based on this skepticism, most financiers advise citizens not to engage in the “accumulation” of monetary banknotes at home, but to invest either in any currency, or in precious metal, which is not subject to inflation and will always be in price. It is also necessary, if possible, as soon as possible to pay all loans taken, because it is not known what inflation will be in the future and how it can affect the interest rates of banks.

Also, most of the financial analysts disadvantage of what should be expected in the near future the world economy. In particular, the future of both the European Union itself and its currency – the euro is unclear. In addition, it is almost impossible to predict the reaction of the world market to the fact that America independently cuts its own financial sovereignty, making a decision about increasing the boundary “ceiling” for state external debt.

What is happening today in world markets is a fairly obvious harbinger of the fact that soon the world economy can “cover” another, more crushing “wave” of the economic crisis. It is also quite likely that this can happen before the end of the current year. In addition, as some of the experts believe, in fact, the crisis did not stop. Information that the crisis has passed was reported by the governments only in order to somehow calm them down, but in fact, the negative trends that are now observed in the economies of the USA and the European Union are only signs of the continuing crisis. In fact, the so -called “rebound” occurred, which allowed the economies of some of the countries, but the speculative schemes and models, as well as “soap bubbles”, did not stop their existence.

And it is in the light of all this that experts advise citizens to try to independently protect themselves from the new approaching “round” of the economic crisis, preventing the depreciation of their own savings by putting them into something that will not depreciate with any financial difficulties. It can be both real estate and precious metals or stones.

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