The quality of water in the well is worsening over time, and its service life is significantly reduced. Due to the fact that the depth of the wells is small, the upper waters of poor quality begin to accumulate in them, the joints between the reinforced concrete rings over time lose their insulating properties and the water begins to clutch after the rain, t. e. Get up. The well cleaning is a mandatory procedure, since the health of people who use water from this source depends on it.
Business on cleaning wells
There are a rumor about an enterprising pensioner who was able to earn eighteen thousand dollars over the season on various forums. I immediately want to make a reservation that this work is not easy – you should have strong nerves and health, a small initial capital for acquiring tools and equipment, as well as morally ready to roll up sleeves and work, work and work again.
As you already understood, the cleaning of the wells is a difficult occupation, but the field for the activity is given a huge one: villages and villages, country villages and garden societies need your services. And one more significant fact: professionals recommend carrying out this procedure in the winter, since it is recognized as better, so you will definitely not be left without work.
One person can clean at least one object per day, the cost of washing and disinfecting the well will depend on the number of installed rings, t. e. The more – the more expensive. The average cost of services is about 4,500-5,000 rubles without consumables and transportation. So you can calculate your profit per day, month and year.
What is included in the services
Ensure access to the well by accurate dismantling the upper superstructure.
It is necessary to pump out liquid from the mine and carry out mechanical cleaning of the walls and bottom from silt and garbage. Traditionally use scrapers and brushes, as well as wash off everything with good water pressure. This procedure is carried out at least twice, while the walls and joints for the presence of a fungus are also checked.
Hold the seams between the rings and, if necessary, strengthen them with anchors or plates. Be sure to check the strict vertical of the mine.
Disinfect all the inner surfaces by sodium chlorine -oxy – Naocl and again wash everything and pump out again.
Fall asleep in large pebbles, progress the seams and install a protective structure in place. So the well is again suitable for operation.
If you have physical strength, experience and the desire to make money on cleaning wells, go for a year -round, demanded and truly profitable type of business with minimal financial investments. It is believed around the world that this work for real men. Success to you and prosperity to your business!