On the need to control the merchandisers

by texasnews

The process of supervision of the work of a merchandiser is an extremely important element. The more difficult the employee has, the more difficult it is to control his work, because enterprise and quick wits give him the opportunity to constantly find all new schemes for evasing from their duties with enviable ingenuity, which, in most cases, does not contribute to the increase in sales. The most popular supervision technologies are various reports that include:

– a special report form or its analogue;

– print or signature of a representative of a trading company on a document, designed to confirm the visit to the retail outlet;

– signature of a representative of the store administration;

– check from each visited trading platform;

– reports with photographs of trading racks with products;

– Materials of audits “in place”.

Many unscrupulous merchandisers along the way with the art of communication and promotion of goods on which all the merchandising is founded, also study the science of “hack”. For example, with the method of designing a photo report used, it is necessary to capture the arrangement of products to a hundredth position and advertising materials and after it.

The BTL advertising agency has one of the leaders of the domestic industry of merchandising. The BTL advertising agency that has already far -in 1999 has confidently embodies all the requirements of its customers.

In the inventory of fixed assets, the commission commits an examination of objects and enters the reports of their name, purpose, personal inventory numbers and key technical characteristics. During the inventory of buildings, buildings and other real estate, the inventory commission will be examined by the presence of documents certifying the stay of the subjects under consideration in the ownership of the enterprise.

The presence of documents on land plots, reservoirs and other objects of natural resources listed in the ownership of the enterprise is also controlled.

If objects that are not registered, as well as objects are found, regarding which the accounting register of accounting is incorrectly indicated or there is no information that defines them, the commission is forced to bring the specified information and other characteristics according to these subjects.

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