International relations between Russia and China

by texasnews

Relations between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China are actively developing in various industries that include contracts at the government level, economic and trade relations, as well as active participation in global organizations.

Already in 2004, trade relations between the countries crossed the line exceeding the amount of twenty billion dollars. Transportation between countries form the basis of modern trade relations, due to which such a high indicator is achieved. But, as noted, this is not enough, because from the part of the base of cooperation and potential this indicator should be significantly increased. China feels external dependence on the Western countries of Europe and the United States of America, due to which in 2008 memorandums were presented about the supply of energy resources. Improving China’s energy security will have a significant impact on the Russian economy. The right to export from Russia was assigned to the main state organizations.

Memorandums are concluded with the further preparation of long -term export of export to China of the most significant energy resources: gas, oil products and energy resources. In the future fifteen years, it is assumed that Russia will become the largest supplier of resources in China. On the part of the People’s Republic of China, the emphasis of energy resources was placed from the countries of the Persian Gulf, or rather from Iran and Oman. Now the possibility of diversification of the main sources is discussed by laying pipelines from the continent.

Thanks to the adopted interstate documents, the construction of gas pipelines, the creation of joint oil enterprises, the preparation of the feasibility study for regular export to China of electricity, the construction of branches for the oil pipeline and much more are planned.

Some economists are in doubt that trade relations with China are beneficial for Russia. Despite the fact that relations between our countries have become stronger, they mainly satisfy the interests of the PRC. Many argue that if the development of relations continues at the same level, then soon Russia among the countries of Asia will cease to exist as an independent power and will become only a younger partner of China to produce the necessary resources. Carrying out auto transportation in Russia and between countries, Russia is considered only as an export partner. China is in a state of development of a strong and great power, which he considers to consider many other countries as younger partners.

The sphere of cargo transportation between our countries develops especially violently. If a few years ago the volume of transportation in Moskver was commensurate with the volume of trade with China, then in 2012 the Russian Federation reached ninth place among the ten suppliers of China. If we consider the growth of trade, then Russia ranks 5th place among the PRC suppliers in terms of the development of cargo transportation.

A significant place among international cooperation is occupied by a border settlement. In 2005, ratification was carried out on the establishment of the border. This contributed to the settlement of problems and strengthened international relations between these countries.

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