Another way to become a self -confident person.
Self-confidence very often failed me, I suffered more than once because of this. When people just did not want to understand me.
Uncertainty consists of raising a child, the less praising the child, to emphasize his successes, the more he will become insecure. In childhood, they praised me little and often scolded me, although I am very much more confident in myself, but this is because I myself learned how to become confident in myself.
Ways to become confident in yourself:
1) Success Journal. It can be any notebook. I’m using a pocket computer. I try to write down in the Excel file sometimes, all the successes. Frankly, every day you will not be able to write down everything good in the success magazine. But in general, this method significantly helps to become self -confident.
It seems that the method with a journal of successes works, as it reminded myself that I am also worth. Sometimes it’s hard to recall good moments from the past day. The success magazine helps to learn how to remember your victories. Victories make you proud.
Read more about the success magazine
2) just need to understand. Be yourself, don’t try to please someone. Here is a smart thought:
“I do not know the secret of success, but the secret of defeat is to try to please everyone”
I thought about the meaning of this phrase. Asked loved ones that this phrase means for them. My mother gave me a smart thought. You can’t please anyone, just be yourself.
Recently I tried to experiment. In communication with comrades, it makes no difference to me how and what they would think for me. In a general sense, I just imagined that they were not or tried not to restrain their emotions or thoughts. If someone annoyed me, then I openly told him about it or if I interrupted me, I openly said to give me a contract.
And what is the result: people have become more interested in me, maybe the method really works.
“I do not know the secret of success, but the secret of defeat is to try to please everyone”