Fashion and inflation: because of which prices are rising so fast

by texasnews

Does fashion and inflation affect rapid price increase

The price of designer shoes and clothes rises with an elusive pace. On some well -known sites you can count more than 100 pairs of shoes, the price of which is higher than $ 1000.

 The well -known Luboutin shoes have completely taken off to the ceiling in the price of $ 6,000. With the famous Chanel handbag can compete in cost only Hermes Kelly. Namely, Hermes Kelly was made back in 2000, at that time it cost $ 4,800, and today it rose in price to all $ 7,600.

Prices rose by almost 60%! Let’s remember everyone’s beloved Manolo Blahniks in 2003 – their price was $ 485. And today their price is already $ 755 per pair of shoes! As we see the cost of these shoes increased by $ 56! At such a pace of Manolo Blahniks sandals will soon cost at least $ 1,000.

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