About investment in real estate and mortgage

by texasnews

Each person seeks to preserve and maximize his capital. But in order for the money to “work”, and not depreciate as a result of inflation, they must be invested.

According to experts, the most competent reliable and advantageous method of investment for a long time is investment in real estate. It is this method that is favorably distinguished among other minimum, practically absent probability of any risk, as well as the ability to receive stable decent income for a long period without additional financial influences. After the acquisition of the property, it can either be leased (in parts or completely), or sell.

Real estate investments for many years have been very attractive for investors and this is natural, because on average the return of the invested money is only 5 years, after which the object begins to bring net profit. Given the stable increase in the demand for the rental of real estate and the corresponding increase in its value several times a year, which does not lead to a decrease in the demand of the object among tenants, the payback period can be reduced by several years.

Judging by the latest market trends, the most profitable are the deposits of free funds to commercial real estate. This is evidenced by the ever -increasing dynamics of price increasing both for rent, and for the sale of objects of commercial purposes. Thus, the profit on such investments can exceed the costs allocated for the purchase of real estate several times. Nowadays, it is possible to invest in real estate without even having the complete sum that is necessary to purchase an object. To do this, use the mortgage.

Mortgage for commercial real estate or, as it is also called a business mortgage, is the issuance of a loan for the purchase of non-residential premises intended for commercial purposes (offices, warehouses, etc. D.).

The commercial mortgage has a fairly short time for repayment of the loan (the most difficult period is 5 years, and the maximum is 10-12 years) and high annual rates (12-16% often in the currency), and the purchase lending to the purchase occurs under its same. According to experts, for the further growth and development of this segment of the credit market, it is necessary that banks begin to issue long -term loans for the purchase of non -residential premises for commercial purposes. This will contribute to attracting more investors.

Practice shows that competent operation of commercial real estate makes it possible to receive significant income, and this allows you to use mortgage lending.

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