Successful appearance of the site.

by texasnews

The success of the promotion process on the Internet largely depends on the appearance of the site and its content. At the same time, the variegated design is completely optional. For some reason, a large number of people believe that good design is a grandiose layering of graphic effects and are engaged in the placement on the site and its pages of a whole heap of flash objects, naively believing that this will bring positive fruits. But the creation of sites on this principle may have a number of disadvantages.

Than the Flash objects for the site or the appearance of the site are dangerous – this is not the most important thing.

Firstly, a long downloading of the site is inevitable, it always happens due to a huge amount of graphics, which in total “weighes” the site. Not all Internet users will agree to spend a minute and more of their precious time in anticipation of loading your site. The result is the loss of visitors. At the same time, the owner of the site may not guess about this, because he regularly visits a resource whose pages are stored in the RAM of his computer, which accelerates their loading. If you still just need a huge amount of graphics on the site, then you should carefully check your resource for downloading speed. You can ask friends or participants of different forums to evaluate your site, calculate the time during which it loads.

Secondly, search engines perceive the text and do not perceive graphics, and this is very important. True, you can solve the problem by signing the objects of graphics. However, this helps only in the case of the meaning of the load that the graphics. For this purpose, it is advisable to use certain attributes.

Thirdly, due to poor connection or for some reason, the drawings are sometimes not loaded and the result leaves much to be desired. So keep drawings on your server to avoid this. The site can be well promoted without using graphics. Excellent results in the appearance of the site can be achieved when using different colors of the font and background, different types and font sizes, emoticons, the main thing is not to overdo it with this. But smiles love.)

A good design of the site is the one that is able to satisfy the interest of its visitors, is convenient and attractive aesthetically.

Take care of your site analysis. Imagine that you are a visitor. As a visitor, you like what you see if your background and color are irritated, or maybe the site is not that font, whether the text is convenient for reading? It happens that the creators of the Internet resources are already so dangled that the text is impossible to read! Do you really want the site created by you, visitors leave without reading? Of course, a large role is assigned to the content of the site.

So about what actions to take so that the site does not leave users, and that they certainly would like to return, I will tell you the next article.

Source: http: // www. Team-b. ru

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