Do you always need a leader in the team? One company, based on its needs, is specifically looking for leaders, and the other tries to avoid such personalities. Then what enterprises the leader needs, and what qualities he should have? Will it be a person leading to a high goal, or a leader is an experienced manipulator that forces his decisions?
In order to decide whether the team is needed, you should deal with the very concept of leadership. Today there are many myths on this subject. The main delusion concerns the very nature of leadership. Many mistakenly believe that leadership is laid from birth. However, if you reason like this, you can be born a doctor or bookmaker, marketer or accountant. Leadership is the acquired quality that manifests itself in situations where a person has to take responsibility for himself and his actions, as well as for other people. Some after such cases refuse leadership, while others, on the contrary, understand that such responsibility is for them. They feel the talent to direct people. If this quality is developed, then the person will eventually become a competent leader.
The next common myth of leadership is that the leader should love everything. However, he does not have to be a tag in the company, a regular client of bookmakers, or eternal toastmaster on corporate parties. The main feature of the leader is his authority, thanks to which the leader directs people. A person respected in the team possesses similar abilities, but the “merry-muddy of the company” does not often have such an opportunity.
“A leader is a manipulator” – such an opinion exists on their account. However, in fact, the leader, as a rule, organizes the team to achieve the goals of the company, but the skilled manipulator achieves his goals at someone else’s expense. The peculiarity of the leader is that people to reach for him themselves, respecting him and his professional qualities. He motivates people to create a favorable working environment, while the manipulator forces the set tasks.
It should be noted that the leader of the team is not always a boss. Of course, in a leadership there are more opportunities to show leadership qualities, but an ordinary employee can lead a team for the benefit of the company. Leadership is not a position held, but a character trait. Agree that it is impossible to force a person only because he is a boss.