Review and definitions of coaching. The main positions

by texasnews

In the early 90s of the 20th century, psychotherapy was recognized as an independent and independent profession aimed at improving human life.

In the early 2000s, another profession was recognized in the world, the practice of which is helping a person in his development, training and success-coaching.

In addition to the fact that we obviously live in the era of disparate and searching for differences, humanity as a single large family today has amazing chances of combining the potentials accumulated in various fields of practice and science: to improve life as an individual, family, community, organization, so humanity as a whole.

Coaching today is increasingly recognizing one of those professional services, the order of which is rapidly and progressively – both in developed societies and in societies that develop. Business collection is one of the most popular areas-both personal and corporate.

Coaching, on the one hand, methodologically borders on “ordinary” psychological counseling (Counseling), training methods of personality development, psychotherapy, and on the other, conceptually and historically associated with managerial consulting, management and development of staff and is effectively used in these areas.

At the same time, the coaching paradigm in Europe and the world has proved its performance so much that today coaching is defined not only as an instrument of managerial and organizational development (business coaching), but also as an instrument of effective self-management and self-development for each individual, regardless of its style life (life coaching).

Today, coaching is recognized as an effective psychological instrument of positive changes and the development of human potential .

At the same time, the pragmatic and instrumental orientation of this sphere of psychological practice turns coaching into a set of technologies, does not have a thorough theoretical and methodological basis, which, obviously, should contain the firstly, system theory of personality, and secondly describe Coach-advisory teaching methodology. As such a basis, it is advisable to use one of the personological systems, which meets the requirements of scientificity, practical efficiency and conceptually coincides with the main positions of coaching:

• Positive.

• focus on resources and solutions.

• Respect for personality independence in its search for his own decisions.

• Fasilive approach.

• The structure of the method and short -term service of the service.

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