Everyone has their own ideas about where it is better to invest, some spend all their finances on gifts to friends and relatives for the holiday, raising the revenue of boutiques and shops. Someone suits banquets or goes to elite clubs. Some travel around distant countries. And only not many are thinking about how to save and increase their accumulations. Even the female gender sometimes thinks about it. Business ladies understand economic problems no worse than men, and should understand where to invest earned in order to save capital.
Where it is better to invest money
Various share investment funds, investments in the shares of enterprises, and playing a foreign exchange or stock exchanges are very advertised. Some advise keeping savings in currency. But, given the global financial and economic crisis, political instability, frequent permutations in the government, it becomes problematic to predict the results of investments in the above methods. As practice shows, even professional economists, who are always aware of events, cannot with a satisfactory degree of reliability to predict the behavior of certain investments. So decide where it is better to invest money yourself.
Of course, even in a crisis and falling prices for real estate objects, still investments in square meters remain very attractive. Real estate is very stable, and even in crises such as this fall is not more than thirty percent. In addition, housing can bring income in the form of rent, if the owner decides to rent his property. But, for such investments, the amount of accumulations should be quite decent, not every of their citizens have such money.
Some consider the purchase of a car as a profitable attachment. It is unlikely that one can agree with this and call it an economically rational decision. The new car only gets cheaper over time and wears out. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the operational costs are not small, and tend to increase with the age of the car. We can say that it is worth investing in the car only with the actual need for a personal vehicle.
The same can be said about the investment of money in various expensive equipment. The electronics industry is developing very quickly, and after a few months the latest technique is yesterday and falls in the cost.
A very good answer to the question “much better to invest money” may be the answer – “precious metals”. These investments do not become obsolete and there is always a high price on them.