As soon as you start developing your own business, you will realize that you can’t limit yourself to solving only production problems: you need to solve issues on leaps and bounds, protection, advertising, etc. p., and it becomes obvious that for each such function a separate employee is required, and the state as a result increases and increases. However, not everything is so bad, in such situations the whole world has long been using the services of outsourcing companies.
Outsourcing (Outsourcing) is the transfer of non -maneuvering functions for third -party companies – outsourcers (or in Russian subcontractors)
The main principle of aussing can be expressed as follows – I myself only do what I can do better than anyone, I give third -party companies what they do better than me. At the same time, the main task that you solve is the opportunity to concentrate all your resources on the main activity of the company. Often the use of outsourcing services can significantly save the budget by reducing the articles of expenses for salaries to employees, taxes, purchase and maintenance of the necessary equipment. And even if the services of outsourcers are more expensive than the staff salaries, you save your time to organize and control the work of non -core units, a workplace in the office and regardless of the performance, disease and mood of a particular person. At the same time, often the quality of work companies are higher – they can hire highly qualified employees with very extensive experience in solving certain problems.
Outsourcing services can be divided into two classes: outsourcing of business processes and production outsourcing. The first implies the allocation of non-main business processes for the company and transfer them to a third-party contractor. For example, transport services: Now the outsouriser will think how to arrange Karenta Ata, how to make the customs clearance in Moscow quickly and painlessly. During production outsourcing, third -party companies are transferred to the production of products entirely or its individual components. Modern large companies often fully make their products on the side, leaving only the brand management function.
However, no matter how great the desire to convey as many functions as possible to outsourcers, one must well understand the necessity and profitability of such a step. Once again, designate the main goals of creating your business, describe the process of creating products that make up the competitive advantage of your company. Decide which processes are basic and which are auxiliary. How much time you spend on solving problems not related to the main activity, and can you allocate this time for these purposes. Evaluate whether it is possible in principle, to outsource a particular function. So, for example, if you do not want to organize cargo transportation from China yourself, whether there are companies that are ready to solve this problem or you will have to solve it yourself anyway. Evaluate the organizational difficulties that may arise when working with a subcontractor. Can you clearly set goals and tightly control the final result. Evaluate the financial benefit from the performance of work by outsources, sometimes their work is more expensive than doing the same work on your own. In this case, be sure to weigh how much the increase in the cost will correspond to the increase in the quality of the solution of the problem.
In any case, outsourcing is only one of the ways to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of your business, but to use it or not – to solve only you.