You print a little, but you would like to save on small prints of print? Then the redirect cartridges are the ideal solution for you.
PZK is an almost complete analogy of original cartridges. The only thing (and most importantly!) Difference – compatible cartridges can be redirected a huge number of times.
Original cartridges have to be changed every 100-120 printed photos. Ink in containers end – it is necessary to purchase new containers, and send the old ones to the scrap. Huge amounts of money are spent on such an endless change in cartridges.
PZK does not need to be thrown away when the paint ends in them. You can just add ink to the cartridges – and continue to work. The re -reference procedure can be carried out again and again, hundreds of times without the slightest damage for the printing device.
Rearing the cartridge, you save! In order to add ink in the PZK, only ink is needed. No need to purchase small, expensive plastic containers, as when buying original consumables. No need to overpay again and again for the chips, for the internal device of the cartridge, for the brand … you can invest only in what you really need!
With PZK you save on each print, so it does not matter if you are printing a lot or few. Each printed text document, photography, table or graph goes to you for a much smaller amount than if you printed on original cartridges.
How much can save on the printing of small volumes? You can count. The imprint created using original consumables will have a cost of 0.4 of. e. A similar imprint, but printed with PZK is much cheaper – only 0.012 in. e. Amazing savings! Even if you print only 10 pages per week, you will still get a pleasant savings for your wallet.
Saving this size does not mean at all that you will have to say goodbye to the quality of the prints. A printer or MFP with re -refueling cartridges issues the same high -quality photos and text documents as when printing with original consumables.
Small print volumes – not a reason to give up saving. Huge piles of documents and a couple of family photos can be printed available. At the same time, the quality of the prints, the reliability of the printing device and the convenience of use are unchanged.