Russian merchants had a division into guilds: merchants of the first guild (the richest and most successful), merchants of the second guild (merchants of the middle hand), merchants of the third guild (every small bipod that had the opportunity to pay an estate tax to the treasury).
Today’s entrepreneurs are also divided into estate categories – small business, medium and, as the pinnacle of entrepreneurial success, large business.
We’ll make a reservation right away: the ultimate goal of any enterprise is to achieve the level of monopoly (examples: Microsoft (software), Gazprom (production and sale of gas), de Birs (production and sale of diamonds). Otherwise, all economic theories are simply complete nonsense.
That is why a novice entrepreneur needs to strive to cover the maximum volume of the market.
On which he works. In practice, this means that by doing, for example, trading, you should try to supplant all your competitors outside the zone of your interests.
In order to monopolize your market more and more, any means are suitable – from banal price dumping to the use of unscrupulous PR and the spread of competently prepared rumors and gossip about their competitors. If you will experience remorse, you can be comforted by the fact that your competitors do the same – the laws of competition have always been and remain to this day a matter of boring and bad smelling. Nevertheless, registration of LLC, in fair ways, is exactly what an active ambitious person needs.
The most important competitor of the business.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that your indirect competitor is also a state with its exorbitant appetite, and this opponent is much more dangerous, since he does not need to choose the means of providing pressure on you and your business. They just can be covered. It is necessary to pay all taxes in time, to unsubscribe in time for various statistical requests, to participate if it is necessary in regional programs initiated by authorities of any level.
At the same time, you need to remember: no matter what you do, no matter what ties with representatives of state authorities are established with you – you and the state are on different sides of the barricades, because the state is the most advanced machine of the dictate, which does not recognize any rights for an individual.
And at the same time, it does not matter which political structure is declared by the authorities, democracy is nothing more than a fairy tale for children of preschool age.
The independence of the judicial, legislative and executive authorities declared in the Constitution is nothing more than fiction for inhabitants, not burdened by thoughts about true freedom.
Thoughts, of course, are sad. But all the grounds for them, unfortunately, are ..