What is the franchise: features

by texasnews

Why has a franchise has become so popular recently

 The franchise is called that part of the losses of the insured, which, according to the insurance contract, is not paid for the insurance.

So, if 7,000 are indicated in the franchise agreement, and after you get into an accident, the car is needed in the amount of 10,000, then this will mean that the insurance company will pay you only 3,000 rubles.

Therefore, carefully read the contract and the policy, and all additional agreements. Since it may happen that, for example, it will be provided that the first repairs will be paid completely, and the second one, for example, will have 5%franchise, the third may already be 10%.

If we talk about the magnitude of the franchise, then it may be indicated as a specific amount, or is indicated as a percentage, based on what kind of insurance value of the car.

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