What is the protocol inspector for?

by texasnews

The protocol inspector is an integral part of Winrute Firewall, which uses high -level protocols when working, such as HTTP or FTP. He is called the inspector because he is engaged in the monitoring of traffic, so to speak, on the fly.

There are many different languages, or protocols with which computers exchange data through the Internet. The key protocol is currently the IP protocol. It is designed to obtain a computer address and determine the data transfer route from one address to another.

These are quite large volumes of information, so there are other languages ​​that are based on the top of the Internet protocol, such as TCP, the function of which is the determination of IP messages for compliance with one data package.

It has no information that you are transmitting. Decipher the transmission, other languages ​​that are built on TCP can. The most common language is the HTTP protocol, which is designed to exchange web page data with a server for an Internet browser. For network protection at this level, you will need to buy Kerio Control, which ensures the security of the network.

Outdated inter -grid screens understand only a low -level language, such as IP or TCP. As a result, they filter the limited traffic of information at this level. You have the opportunity to determine which traffic to transmit.

The protocol declared in the title of the article is part of Winrute Firewall. It works high -level languages, such as ftp or http. Each data package in them consists of TCP or IP messages. They are collected by Winrute Firewall, deciphered and transferred to the protocol to the inspector.

The inspector’s protocol allows you to do many things that outdated brrandmows are not capable of in principle. Additional protection and possibilities can be obtained if the main firewall is supplemented with inter -secture. Buy Traffic Inspector is a good solution to provide network protection.

Once Winroute Firewall understands http, it can be supplemented by Cobion Orangefilter and to divide into categories all the resources with which users work. Winrute Firewall is able to find a stop word on Internet pages and block them. He can control the types of messages that are allowed between Internet and FTP network servers, which ensures additional security.

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