Domestic and foreign real estate by the sea

by texasnews

Real estate by the sea is a dream of so many city residents. Is it so far from reality as it seems to us? Analyzing foreign sites engaged in real estate trading, we can say that a small house near the sea or ocean will cost no more than a one -room apartment in a remote area of ​​Moscow or Kyiv. Of course, the Black Sea does not mean, in any case, not its southern and eastern shores. It is noted that in a not too noisy corner of Europe or Turkey, you can buy a house with a sea view by an order of magnitude cheaper than the Crimea or Sochi thrown by garbage.

Real estate by the sea

Despite the high cost and rest and housing, low quality of service and poor ecology in Sochi and Crimea, our people are eager for crowds. Real estate by the sea due to great demand in pre-crisis times increased in these regions to sums that amaze even Europeans. For example, the cost per square meter of elite housing in Sochi in 2008 reached 10 thousand North American dollars. In most cases, such real estate was bought either by residents of Moscow or from the oil regions of Russia.

A private house in Sochi by the sea can only be sought if you have an amount of at least 500 thousand dollars at the disposal.

Thanks to the severe financial and economic crisis, political instability, a tense criminal situation, real estate by the sea in Crimea began to fall in price. Although this happens extremely slowly. Now the square meters of elite housing in the region costs about three thousand dollars. In the budget sector you can find prices $ 700 per square. Russian potential buyers, and tourists begin to turn away from the Crimea, which gave some decline in prices. However, experts say that you still need to wait, and with a deterioration in the situation in the beginning of the spring of 2009, another decrease in prices may occur.

Investments in the real estate of Abkhazia became very profitable. By Moscow standards, there is a penny by the sea there, but it is still very dangerous there, and the Georgian authorities are threatening to select real estate that Russians buy.

If the client can imagine himself in another state, then he can be offered very profitable options for resort real estate in Bulgaria, Montenegro. On average, housing by the sea can be found at a price of a thousand euros per square meter, but it can be much more expensive. Well, the best glass partitions Moscow are offered by the company “Glass Style”!

The region of the developing Black Sea coast of Romania is very interesting. The cost per square meter of the apartment of the house located near the beach will cost only 300 euros. For the amount of 35 thousand euros, you can purchase a very good house at a distance of only a couple of hundred meters from the coastline. Of course, real estate in popular resorts builds several times more.

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