All our ability to work depends directly on how our previous night has passed. Working scientists from the existing Academy of Finland were able to calculate that as many as 48% of people who suffer from sleep disturbances, all their professional and working duties do not fully fulfill.
This study, which was conducted at the enterprises of the public sector, was able to identify more than 50,000 workers who need the help of specialists in the existing field of sleep. Doctors close to 7% of them recognized simply disabled and sent immediately for treatment. Every fourth among the rest stated about problems that arise at least twice a week. More than 20% and almost every night suffer from insomnia.
Absolutely all the calculations of psychologists are currently as follows: among absolutely all the examined workers, every fifth -fifth -fifth -fifth -fifth -fifth -fifth -fifth. The reason is the notorious problems with their sleep. For statistics, the rest bed does not give 35% of the total adult population of Europe, in Finland this figure is one and a half times higher. At the same time, it is in the Scandinavian country that the highest percentage of various suicides and mental illness is noted.
Scientists in early studies have already discovered different connections between the risk of suicide and a chronic lack of sleep. In addition, sleep disturbances, as well as a fairly high fatigue, threatens a number of serious problems with his health: from heart attack and diabetes to psychosis and even to dementia. For some data, lack of sleep leads to early aging cells. For this reason, doctors urgently recommend that we sleep at least five or six, but they are optimal 7–9 hours per day.