Where good business is possible?

by texasnews

The best business industry.

If you tear yourself out of bed every day to go to work, constantly torment yourself and this does not give you much pleasure, then you can become your own boss. Become a private entrepreneur, hire people – become a businessman. You need to find the best business for yourself, what is to your liking.

But how to do it? It is better for beginners to be sure that you are in the correct industry. I will give statistics to show the most popular industries where people find good business. Statistics by increasing:

1) production

3% of professionals in the field of production open their job.

Examples of work: manufacture of furniture, windows, jewelry, etc. D.

2) mining

5% of miners begin their job. Your best business.

Examples of work: drilling oil wells, mining companies.

3) transport and service

8% of professionals, engineers, the best workers in the field of transport and utilities find their best business in these areas.

Examples of work: transport company, service (taxis, cargo transportation, service for fire protection and fire extinguishing, construction service, etc. D.)

Plumbers and electricians (service, communication with the construction sphere is possible)

4) rest and hotel business

2.9% of specialists in the field of hotel and entertainment industry find their interest in this area.

Examples of work: owners of cafes, cinema halls, hotels with service. I don’t know why, but I like the hotel business, after construction.

5) information

3.2% of the professionals of the media industry – entrepreneurs.

Examples of work: Blogger (by the way, I’m leading a blog, which means already to e

I relate to that area. Interesting, it means you can have several areas of entrepreneurship)), a programmer.

6) wholesale and retail trade

4.3% of people in this area begin their business

Examples of work: owners of shops, pharmacies, outlets. (although some people and without much experience do this, learning from mistakes.

7) Professional services

8% of lawyers, economists, accountants, etc., begin their own business.

Examples of work: lawyer’s services, economist.(just like my aunt, helps people with papers, with all this bureaucracy you can make money well)

8) construction

9.2% of professionals, engineers, professional workers, foremen, open their private companies and this is super, it seems to me this is the best business for me.

So, as you can see that business can be opened in many areas. The main thing is to have a goal, to understand the sphere of your activity and love it.

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