What is a thermal paste, what is it for and how to work with it?

by texasnews

What is thermal paste?

Thermal paste is a special substance that is applied to the computer processor (stone) to improve heat. Why is this thermal? I explain on the fingers. See: you did not turn off the computer for a week because you handed out a torrent with very sad music. The processor is very heated. The air, as you know, is an obstacle in the issue of heat removal from a working stone. And it is the thermal paste layer that is the saving straw that connects the surface of the stone to the surface of the cooler of the computer.

Thus, friends, thermal paste fills all the microscopic pockets of the pockets that are between the two planes (between the processor and the lower plane of the cooler). However, with thermal, everything is not so simple and that’s why.

You can not apply thermal pavement with a thick layer!

By the way, if one of the “experts” told you that the larger the layer – the better for the stone, then know: the person was clearly not in himself and at school did not study, since he does not know the laws of elementary physics. If the thermal grease is applied to the processor with a thick layer, then the paste will play the role of not the heat sill, but the thermos that will heat your stone. Then it will take to maintain computers Petersburg is for sure! Remember once and for all: the thermal layer should be thin and translucent!

Now about how to properly apply thermal pavement to the processor. In principle, friends, this is quite simple: squeeze a little pasta on one side of the stone and carefully, slowly, smear the paste along the entire plane of the processor. It is best to smear with an ordinary razor blade. It perfectly distributes the paste, allowing you to control the layer. Remember: the paste should only be on the processor! Therefore, excess pasta must be removed. When the pasta is distributed over the surface of the stone, you can install the cooler. Here, in fact, and all the wisdom. If you want to apply the pasta to some part of the Mazda 3 Hatchback car, contact the service!

Remember also that thermal grease must be periodically changed, since it dry out over time. To do this, you need to remove the old pasta (using the usual blade) and only then apply a new.

And the last: how to find out when you need to change the paste? In principle, there are no exact dates. However, I change the paste every three to four months, and my computers feel great. Oh yes, friends, I almost forgot: when you work with a stone, in no case do not poke your fingers in it and do not “shove” it with a blade! The processor is the “brain” of the computer and it is very easy to damage. You don’t need a “crazy” computer, though?

Here, it seems, and that’s it. All the best to you and until new meetings!


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