How to survive business in a crisis?

by texasnews

The crisis is a cyclic phenomenon, it is repeated about once in a decade, and if not only to know the basic principles of survival during this period, but also to follow them, you can not only survive in difficult times, but also succeed. For losers, the crisis means losses, for resourceful – new possibilities, because even the word “crisis” translated from Chinese means two concepts at once: danger and possibility (depicted by two hieroglyphs). So, you can use general principles and patterns independently or hire specialists conducting professional anti -crisis management. As practice shows, both in the other make sense.

The last point, although it involves additional costs, but implies a guaranteed result, t. e. Ultimately, profit, which, you see, is especially valuable during the crisis. The first one allows you to reduce all unnecessary expenses. Just do not overdo it, because you can not notice how to refuse something very important and necessary for cutting out unnecessary costs. In particular, many entrepreneurs regularly make the same mistake – they refuse to pour into marketing. But marketing, by and large, means sales and profits, how can you abandon it? What can I say, even in good times, marketers in most companies for some reason earn no more than ordinary sellers, although in advanced offices (especially American ones) the marketer equates to the director and has an income appropriate for his status. So, the first thing that needs to be learned: people who directly move the company’s product and participate in its implementation, both in a direct way (the best sellers) and indirect (marketers) should not be fired, but, on the contrary, even encouraged crisis.

But this does not mean that they should become people who occupy these positions only on paper, it is important who in reality brings the company final profit. The rest should be dismissed, because it is at least unreasonable to pay the salary to the crisis of useless entities, because otherwise you risk it at all to go bankrupt and then you will not be able to pay anymore and even yourself. Review all other expenses, it may be worth looking at a company that has been cheaper to provide services such as cleaning the office and cleaning the blinds. Finally, negotiate with suppliers to reduce prices or discounts, remember that they also have a crisis, so they also fight for their client, offering them preferential conditions. Other measures include lending. If you take the loan, look for the most favorable conditions, but it is very risky to lend it yourself in this period.

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