Business dress code or clothing for a business woman

by texasnews

Some women unfairly claim that, working in the office, they have to look like a “gray mouse”. In fact, in office clothing, a woman always looks stylish and elegant, and most importantly, such a style emphasizes her status. It is important to choose the right business suit and know the basic requirements of the dress code. Of course, in a business suit you do not go to a disco or do not have fun in slot machines, and even more so you won’t go to the market for products. A business suit is a special element of a wardrobe that requires a corresponding appeal. Let’s dwell on the obligatory details of the clothing for a business woman, which can be diversified to your liking.

Fashion and etiquette say that there is no place for sexuality in the office. Today, the screaming short office skirts and transparent blouses was replaced by femininity and elegance, which reflects all the sexuality of a woman. Now the main weapon in the office is fashionable styles and tight silhouettes, as well as well -chosen colors. The style of “his boyfriend”, which took place in the office earlier, also retired. Now you do not need to wear a men’s suit and tie a tie, even a game of online poker during lunch will not make you the soul of a male company, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the lack of femininity.

In a business style, the choice of color plays particularly importance. Of course, this is an individual matter, but still preference is always given to calm pastel colors, as they are appropriate and relevant in any situation. When choosing a business wardrobe, try to adhere to plain colors, but a small strip or cage is quite allowed. In a business style, different colors should be combined, it is possible to use a large drawing or ornament – a monoton. A business woman can afford only one thing-a dress or a suit of saturated shades, but not toxic. For example, the English queen allows herself from time to time to appear in the light in the costumes of the yellow color, which she loves so much.

The fabric of a business suit is, first of all, a slight material, because the business woman is always impeccable and perfect. Your clothes should only be made of natural material. Synthetics looks too cheap, and you can’t feel confident in it. But it is this business quality that is especially appreciated in business.

The important rule of the dress code is perfectly selected accessories. They, as if, are a continuation of your business suit and successfully complement it. Jewelry should be made of natural stones and precious metals, and no vulgar trinkets.

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