What is a sales funnel

by texasnews

Valley of sales – a visual graph that looks like a pyramid, inverted by a narrow part down. He shows how customers are distributed at various stages of sales. The widest upper part of the funnel is the first contact with customers, then the funnel narrows down. The next part of the distribution reflects the number of customers who expressed interest after the first contact, the hedgehog is lower and an even narrower part, these are customers with whom specific negotiations are already underway. And the lowest, narrowest part are customers with whom the transaction has already been concluded. Through the second stage of the funnel, there can pass as many, or less potential buyers as through the first, and at the last stage of sales, the number of customers who made a deal will not be able to be more than at the penultimate stage.

The term “consumer funnel” or “sales funnel” (Sales Funnel)-http: // Great-income. ru/ Marketingovaya-Voronka-Kak-Sosnova-Internet-Biznesa/-was proposed back in 1898 by Elis with. E. Lus, who thus outlined the movement of buyers to buy: through acquaintance, interest and desire – in action. Such a schedule is very useful for a detailed analysis of the sales process, and allows you to predict:

How many potential customers will be required to make the right number of contracts;

what share of customers from the initial value goes on to the next stage.

Thus, you can draw a visual conclusion about the quality of sales management, and the need to strengthen work at certain stages. After such a visual analysis, you can proceed either to a detailed analysis of each stage, or directly to management actions.

If the final number of buyers who have made is not enough, you need to attract more potential customers in the initial stages. If at some stage a sharp narrowing of the funnel occurs, this means that management is ineffective at the previous stage, it must be strengthened quantitatively or qualitatively, or generally revised the process itself.

Using the schedule, you can predict sales, create temporary graphs, and solve many more useful tasks, however, in order to use it, you need to work out the technology for collecting statistics specifically at each stage of sale. Such a funnel can be a universal tool for planning the right amount of advertising material for each stage, or the number of contacts that need to be carried out.

Source of publication: http: // Great-income. RU/Category/Biznes-V-Internete/Page/2/

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